excerpt from my spiritual journal
The raising of Lazarus, John 11:1-45
Do not fear, my child. I am with you. I shall not abandon you.
When Lazarus was sick, I was with him. When he passed, I was with him. When he walked out of the tomb, even then I was with him. So am I with you.
There will never be a time in your life that I will not be with you. For as it is written, I am with you to the end.
Trust in me, my child, and lean not on your own understanding. These times are hard for many. In their hearts they suffer. In their bodies they suffer. Yet I am with you.
When you pass from this world I shall be with you, for I was there at the moment of your conception, when you were a thought in your Father's mind, and I too was there, from the beginning, as it is written. Will I leave you at the hour of death, No, for I am in you and with you always. So too when it is time, I will be with you and take you to where I am.
Pray, my child. Always pray. And trust in me. As it is written...
I am the Resurrection and the Life.
Shall not he who is risen from the dead also be there when you pass from this world into the next? Yes, I tell you. And as it is written...
You shall rejoice and be glad.
Trust in me my child and lean not on your own understanding.
~ ~ ~
Here now we read, in the midst of the corona virus, the story of the raising of Lazarus from the tomb.
The story of Lazarus, from the Book of John. And the Book of John is a book of signs.
And now the sign is for our own time, in a way more real than ever, and more needed than ever.
Let us pray for those who have passed from this world, and for those who are passing now, that the Lord accompany them to their eternal home with him just as he was with them when they entered this world at the moment of their conception.
I am the Resurrection and the Life, says the Lord.
May the Lord take their hand at the moment of their death and lead them home.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord.
Pray continually for those passing from this world.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet.
How to pray The Divine Mercy Chaplet
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