Chaplet of Saint Ignatius

Chaplet of Saint Ignatius
If you knew the treasure of God, in sitting in silence with His Word, you would never speak again...received in prayer on January 25, 2012

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Where is Mary... in the Spiritual Exercises? the life of Ignatius?

The Science of Mary
by Penelope Olive, August 13 2023
Excerpts from the spiritual journals of Penelope Olive

I get all wrapped up
in the veils
of my Mother's presence.
I hear the swooshing
of her garments
As she passes me by.
I feel the hems
of her garments
brushing over my feet.
She also is near
and comes to help me,
puts her hand
on my breastbone,
and speaks gently to my heart.
I am her child
And she is my mother.
Thanks be to God
for this indescribable gift.

Encounter with Mary in the Three Part Colloquy [62]
The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Our Lady of the Wall
"I went out by night...and I inspected the walls of Jerusalem that had been broken down..."
Nehemiah 2:13a
May 23, 2016, journal entry on my birthday

What is the Wall of Mary like in your life? The Wall of Mary.
These words kept coming to me this past week.
I felt led to read Nehemiah's story of his scrutiny of the walls of Jerusalem, by examination of them at night. The Book of Nehemiah is about the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, but it is also a story about the walls that need to be in place around our hearts.

I am in the midst of a family crisis.
I prayed the Rosary all night. I prayed all the Mysteries of the Rosary:
The true Rosary, before culture got so busy.

You have rebuilt your Wall of Mary.
You have rebuilt the Wall of Mary in your life.
I heard these words. Then:

Just as a mother holds
as treasures in her heart,
the memories of her child's life,
so too my Mother holds in her life,
the Mysteries of my life.

When you hold the treasure
of the Mysteries of my life
in your life,
you have rebuilt The Wall of Mary
in your life.

The Wall of Mary consists of the Mysteries
of my life and hers.
These are the Mysteries of my life.
When you contemplate my life,
you see your life in mine.

This is the Wall of Mary that must be built into the life of every believer.

Mary As Intercessor
July 15, 2022, journal entry, during morning prayer

Matthew 12:1-8
"I tell you, something greater than the temple is here."
"For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."

Lord Jesus, you are my Lord, my rest, my Sabbath.
You are my Lord, my Sabbath.

In all of this, trust me my child. I will never forsake or abandon you. You too are my rest. For the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. The children of the Kingdom do not yet understand this. Here I am in the Heavenlies, and my Mother is my Comfort, in her humanity. I have need of Mankind for it is for you that I came. Fully human, fully divine, I am complete for I have the Father and the Holy Spirit with me, in me, above me, behind me, below me. Yet, I have need of humankind. This is what this means, and continues to mean. In me, mankind is complete. You too in me, have a place to rest, for I am in you and you are in me. Yet I have need of all humankind.
The Son of Man has no where to lay his head.
In my humanity, I have need of all of humankind. For it is for this reason I came, to redeem man and to bring him into communion with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Come my child, share in the joy that heaven has for you, I in you and you in me. You will be my rest, a place to lay my head and to reign, and I will be your rest, a place to lay your head and to reign also in my heart, for my heart too has need of you. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Whatever you ask in my name, and according to my will, it will be done for you, for you are mine and I am yours. We are one.

Thank you, Lord, for this sweet understanding of your love and need of me, lowly creature that I am. I console you as you console me.

This gives me a new understanding of the words about the joy in heaven when one sinner converts. Thank you, Lord.

How great is your love, this even brings new understanding to my heart.
And that we add to what is lacking in the Cross.
All of humanity needs to be at the Cross, worthy or unworthy as we all are, to console your humanity for what you suffered for us on the Cross.

Thank you, Lord God, Jesus my Love and my Heart.
Help me not to add to your sorrow, but to be there with you.
Jesus, in his Divinity is complete with the Father and the Holy Spirit, for there is Completeness in the Trinity of God.

Jesus in his humanity is in need of all of humanity, as the Mother of God shows us in her presence in heaven, interceding continually for us. Jesus in his humanity in the Heavenly places is in need of humanity, a place to lay his head, in my heart, and in the heart of all of humanity. As Mary comes into the throne room of heaven in her full humanity, she is a consolation and a delight for Jesus. She has danced as Wisdom before him for all of humanity. Let my heart be emptied of all material things that Jesus the King of Glory may enter in, and find a place to rest his head.
Thank you, Lord. So hard to put in writing what you are bringing to my heart.

As I have need of you, so too you have need of me.

The Son of Man has no place to rest his head.


Mary In Eucharist
July 17, 2022, journal entry

Remember when receiving the Eucharist
As you partake of the Body and Blood
of Christ
You too become Mary's child
From whom Jesus drew
his humanity when
enfolded in her body and blood
in the womb;
You too now partaking
of her body and blood
in the Full Presence of Christ
his Body and Blood now too
in full divinity and
in full humanity
Through the Fiat of your own Mother Mary.

On the morning this came to me, I woke with two songs in my heart, sung often during my evening Rosary Prayer Group, one English, the other French...
Couronnée d'Étoiles (Crowned with Stars), and, Be With Us Mary
...and these songs stayed with me as I prepared for my day.
I came to my prayer time and sang...
And then these words started coming to my heart from the Lord, and I wrote them down.
Thank you, Lord.

Mary in the Spiritual Exercises:

the good, to receive them, and the bad to reject them.

[327] Fourteenth Rule.  The fourteenth: likewise, he behaves as a chief bent on conquering and robbing what he desires: for, as a captain and chief of the army, pitching his camp, and looking at the forces or defenses of a stronghold, attacks it on the weakest side, in like manner the enemy of human nature, roaming about, looks in turn at all our virtues, theological, cardinal, and moral; and where he finds us weakest and most in need for our eternal salvation, there he attacks us and aims at taking us.

[63] First Colloquy. The first colloquy to Our Lady, that she may get me grace from her Son and Lord...and with that a Hail Mary.

[147] First Colloquy . One colloquy to Our Lady, that she may get me grace from her Son and Lord that I may be received under his standard...and with that a Hail Mary.

How Christ our Lord appeared to Our Lady.

    First Point. First: He appeared to the Virgin Mary. This, although it is not said in Scripture, is included in saying that He appeared to so many others, because Scripture supposes that we have understanding, as is written: "Are you also without understanding?"

[248] Note. ...whoever wants to imitate Our Lady in the uses of the senses, let him in the preparatory prayer recommend himself to her, that she may get him grace from her Son and Lord for it; and after considering each sense, say a Hail Mary.


[355] Third Rule. The third: to praise....long prayers, in the church and out of it...

The Autobiography of Ignatius of Loyola, Joseph N. Tylenda, s.j.
A Pilgrim's Journey
Chapter 2, Monteserrat: A Knight'sVigil

The Wall of Mary

Thursday, 18 May 2023

What is the Fifth Rule of the GUIDELINES FOR THE DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS? [313-327] [318] (La réflexion française suit.)

May 13, 2023
excerpt from my spiritual journal
La réflexion française suit.

"MEDITATION (from Prions en église, translated into English)
Acts 16:1-10
In all our projects, it is important to be attentive to the Holy Spirit. God sees the bigger picture and calls us to share the Good News of salvation with all the nations."

Thought of sharing the Lord's word to me on Peace, Wisdom, and Hope.
Yesterday, we went for Jack's appointment at the clinic.
As I sat in the waiting room, I realized I had not brought a book or some knitting, nothing to do while waiting at the doctor's office.

I had nothing with me, so I took a look in my purse. There was the Word from the Lord that I had plasticized into a bookmark.

I read it as I sat with Jack.
Got to the bottom and I read, "rec'd from the Lord May 12, 2021..."

I thought it a good thing to share with the group, so now translating into French, with the help of a dear sister in Christ.
Thank you Lord. Amen.
Peace, Wisdom, and Hope
Do not worry so about the things of your life.  I am here and I tend to the souls of all.  Keep in your heart only the things I have put before you, tend to these things.  The rest I will take care of.  If I am here to care for the things of your heart, shall I not also be there for the things that burden the hearts of your loved ones?  Do not worry so.  Look to my mother.  She knows the way.  She pondered things in her heart, it is written.  Not with anxiety and worry, but with peace, wisdom, and hope.  Keep these things in your heart, and you will do well.  These three are graces that come from my mother’s heart.  Ask for them, pray for them.  Even now this earth that is in turmoil has need of these things.
Peace Wisdom and Hope.
Read her Magnificat and be at Peace.  Pray her Hail Mary and have hope.  Trust in me.  The Wisdom that is my Mother shall be with you. I am pleased you have returned to the Rosary Group.  Stay there.  Do not leave.  I will be with you.  Peace Hope and Wisdom will be with you.  Trust in me my child.
Now go to your day, take courage, be of good cheer.  The Lord is near and will never abandon or forsake you.  I am your Lord, and you are mine.  Amen.

From the journal of Penelope De Cairos Olive
Received from the Lord on May 12, 2021

The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
[318] Fifth Rule.  The fifth: in time of desolation never to make a change; but to be firm and constant in the resolutions and determination in which one was the day preceding such desolation, or in the determination in which he was in the preceding consolation. Because, as in consolation it is rather the good spirit who guides and counsels us, so in desolation it is the bad, with whose counsels we cannot take a course to decide rightly.


Quelle est La cinquième règle des Règles de discernement ?  313 à 327 ; 318

Samedi, le 13 mai, 2023
Un Extrait de mon journal spirituel.

(Actes 16, 1-10)  Dans tous nos projets, il importe de demeurer à l'écoute de l'Esprit Saint. Dieu voit grand et nous appelle à ouvrir la Bonne Nouvelle du salut à toutes les nations. >>
(Un extrait de Prions en église.)

Je suis inspirée de partager cette Parole du Seigneur s'intitulée :  La paix, la sagesse, et l’espérance.
Hier, nous sommes allés à la clinique pour mon mari.
D'ordinaire j'aurais amené avec moi soit un livre ou même mon tricot pour avoir quelque chose à faire en attendant.

Je n'avais rien avec moi alors j'ai regardé dans mon sac à main. Et voilà le signet avec la parole inspirée du Seigneur que j'ai plastifiée il y a quelques années.

Je l'ai lu alors que j'étais assise à côté de mon mari.
À la fin j'ai lu, "reçu du Seigneur le 12 mai 2021."

J'ai eu la pensée que ça sera une bonne chose de partager avec le groupe de prière, alors avec l'aide du'une bonne amie en Jésus, j'ai traduit la parole en français.
Merci Seigneur. Amen.

La paix, la sagesse, et l’espérance
Ne t’inquiète pas tant pour les choses de ta vie. Je suis ici et je m’occupe des âmes de tous et toutes. Garde dans ton cœur seulement les choses que j’a placé devant toi, occupe-toi de ces choses. Je m’occupe du reste. Si je suis ici pour m’occuper des choses de ton cœur, ne me soucierai-je pas aussi des choses qui pèsent sur le cœur de tes proches ?  Ne t’inquiète pas tant. Regarde ma mère. Elle connaît le chemin.  Elle repassait ces choses dans son cœur, il est écrit. Pas avec l’anxiété et l’inquiétude, mais avec la paix, la sagesse, et l’espérance. Garde ces choses dans ton cœur, et tu feras bien. Ces trois sont des grâces qui vient du cœur de ma mère. Demande ces grâces, prie pour ces grâces. Même maintenant cette terre qui est en tourmente a besoin de ces grâces.
La paix, la sagesse, et l’espérance
Lis son Magnificat et sois en paix. Prie son Ave Maria et garde espoir. Crois en moi. La Sagesse qui est ma Mère sera avec toi. Je suis satisfait que tu as rentré au groupe de rosaire. Reste là. Ne pars pas. Je serai avec toi. La paix, l’espérance, et la sagesse sera avec toi. Aie confiance en moi, mon enfant.
Va maintenant à ta journée, prends courage. Le Seigneur est proche et ne t’abandonnera jamais. Je suis ton Seigneur, et tu es à moi.
Un extrait du journal spirituel de Pénélope De Cairos Olive.
Reçu du Seigneur le 12 mai 2021.

Les Exercises Spirituels de Saint Ignace de Loyola.
Règles de discernement.
318  La cinquième règle.  Au temps de la désolation ne jamais faire de changement, mais être ferme et constant dans les résolutions et dans la décision où l'on était le jour qui a précédé cette désolation, ou dans la décision où l'on était lors de la consolation précédente. Car, de même que dans la consolation c'est davantage le bon esprit qui nous guide et nous conseille, de même dans la désolation c'est le mauvais : avec ses conseils, nous ne pouvons prendre le chemin pour réussir.

Monday, 15 May 2023

What is the First Point for Making the General Examen? [43] First Point

March 16, 2023
excerpt from my spiritual journal on March 17, 2023

As I prayed the Rosary with my husband this morning, Jack leading us in prayer...

We came to the last decade of our Rosary, where we pray the 5th Mystery of the Luminous Mysteries, and we pray for the Grace of Thanksgiving to God.  And it came to me that on earth there is no other Thanksgiving To God that is greater than this.

At our Mass, our Eucharistic Celebration, we offer on the altar the body and blood of Christ on the altar, the Crucifix is there, we offer in Thanksgiving this sacrifice of God, His Only Begotten Son, and Jesus offering himself up for us,  And God gives us His Son, the Body and Blood of Christ, to us, to consume, that we may be conformed to his Son.

All of our Thanksgivings for all the Lord does for us are important, we should live lives of Thanksgiving. But the Greatest Thanksgiving of all is the Mass, the Eucharistic Celebration, where we offer on the altar, the Priest being Christ himself, the Holy Sacrifice of His Body and Blood, and God returns his Son to us under the appearance of bread and wine, that we become one with Christ in this Sacrifice of Thanksgiving which is the Mass.

Thank you Lord for this beautiful understanding of the Holy Eucharist.

continued May16, 2023
What has come to me today is: The Greatest Gift of Thanksgiving to God...The Holy Eucharist.

We should run to the Eucharist, run to Mass, if you can't, then go online.

This is the Greatest Gift of Thanksgiving we can offer to God.

It is so great that we should continually offer Thanksgiving to God for everything, every thought, every gift, for all comes from above.

Thank you Lord should be our daily word to Him.
I am touched to tears with this new understanding.
Thank you Lord for this gift.


It contains in it five points.

First Point. The first point is to give thanks to God our Lord for the benefits received.

Second Point.  The second, to ask grace to know our sins and cast them out.

Third Point.  The third, to ask account of our soul from the hour that we rose up to the present examen, hour by hour, or period by period; and first as to thoughts, and then as to words, and then as to acts, in the same order as was mentioned in the particular examen.

Fourth Point. The fourth, to ask pardon of God our Lord for the faults.

Fifth Point.  The fifth, to purpose amendment with His grace.

Our Father.

A Literal Translation and A Contemporary Reading of The Spiritual Exercises
David L. Fleming, S.J. 
The Institute of Jesuit Sources, Saint Louis 1996

Wednesday, 5 October 2022


October 5, 2022
Meditation on Luke:11:1-4, The Lord's Prayer

"I am with you, my child, until the very end. I will never abandon you or forsake you, for you are mine, and if I abandon you or forsake you, I also abandon myself, I forsake myself.

Trust in me, my child. I know how hard this is. Your cross is your son's cross, and it can seem hard to bear, but know this: as I carried my cross, so too my Mother carried my cross. As I suffered, so too my Mother suffered. As I agonized, so too my Mother agonized. Look to her to find your Peace. Follow in her steps. Watch and see if you will not find Peace. It is in praying the Rosary that you will find Peace, and the answers to your musings and questionings. For my Mother knows the way, and you will find your way in hers. Pray the Rosary and you will find me and all that I have for you: Peace, Love, Joy, Healing, Wholeness, and Life.
Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest...For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Come to Me.  Trust in Me.  Pray the Rosary.
You have prayed, asked for Wisdom concerning the life of your son, his situation.  This is the way."

"Come to Me. Trust in Me. Pray the Rosary."
Thank you Lord God, Jesus, Mary, Joseph.
Angels and saints. Holy Spirit, Holy Father, Lord Jesus.
Holy Trinity. Amen.

My heart has been heavy, concern for my younger son, and all my children and grandchildren, but primarily my concern for my younger son's situation, had me frozen.
I spoke to the Lord, about my feelings, frozen, traumatized, stunned, sad, disappointed, and much more. I prayed for wisdom, how to see this. Last night and this morning, I prayed for a sign, as Father Roger had always suggested.
Thank you Lord for your clear direction in this.
"Come to Me.
Trust in Me.
Pray the Rosary.
It is in praying the Rosary that you will find Peace and the answers to your musings and questionings."


[355] Third Rule: to praise the hearing of Mass often, likewise hymns, psalms, and long prayers, in the church and out of it; likewise the hours set at the time fixed for each Divine Office and for all prayer and all canonical hours.

David L. Fleming, S.J.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

What is Sitting in Silence with God's Word?

July 27, 2022 
journal entry this day
Matthew 11:44-46

You are the pearl, my child.  I have searched and found you, and you are of great value, precious in my eyes, and I have given all for you.

I came down from the heavenlies into human form, setting aside my divinity, to save and rescue you for I want you with me in eternity.

And so it is with each of my children whom I love with an everlasting love.

You are that pearl, so too your brothers and sisters in the faith, the pearl of great value, that I gave all to save.  I sought you out, and paid the price of all that I AM, to bring you with me into eternity.

You are the Pearl of great value that was found.  Amen.

"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45

Life is not easy these days.

With the ups and downs of life pressing upon me, I feel resistance in sitting in the quiet.  But I stay, I re-read my Scripture for the day, I persevere against the stresses and demands of life that are with me, even as I try to sit in the silence, and I pray, "Speak, O Lord, your servant is listening", because I know, I remember from my prayer times, that the Lord is always here to help me and to bring me Peace.

Thank you Lord for this Word of Love that I needed so much to hear this morning.

And the Lord has encouraged me to add this immediately to my Blog, because this is for you too, dear Reader.

Friday, 22 July 2022

What is illumination in our own lives...what is our Cardoner Vision?

 July 17, 2022

Journal entry

Remember when receiving the Eucharist
As you partake of the Body and Blood
of Christ
You too become Mary's child
From whom Jesus drew
his humanity when
enfolded in her body and blood
in the womb;
You too now partaking
of her body and blood
in the Full Presence of Christ
his Body and Blood now too
in full divinity and
in full humanity
Through the Fiat of your own Mother Mary.

On the morning this came to me, I woke with two songs in my heart, sung often during my evening Rosary Prayer Group, one English, the other French...
Couronnée d'Étoiles (Crowned with Stars), and,  Be With Us Mary
...and these songs stayed with me as I prepared for my day.
I came to my prayer time and sang...
And then these words started coming to my heart from the Lord, and I wrote them down.
Thank you, Lord.

Two great revelations related to each other:
Jesus, in the heavenlies, now in his resurrected divinity and humanity, has need of humankind to rest his head upon our hearts.
"The Son of Man has no place to rest his head.'
Mary now, coming into his Presence, in her full humanity, has consoled him from eternity, dancing before God as Wisdom...
Jesus has need of humanity, us, to come before him in prayer into the heavenlies, to console him in his humanity.

As we receive the Eucharist, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ; we also receive the body and blood of Mary from whom Jesus took his flesh.
And she fully becomes our Mother.
We remember this each time we partake of the Eucharist.

We too now, in the Fullness of Christ bring consolation to Jesus in his full humanity in heaven, when we entrust our lives to him, and pray; ask and you shall receive...


Hard to put in my own words.
This revelation and the first bring great consolation to my heart as I consider them.
Thank you Lord God. Amen.

Book: A Pilgrim's Journey, The Autobiography of Ignatius of Loyola
Joseph N. Tylenda, S.J. Ignatius Press
Manresa: Taught by God, pages 78-79, first subscript
excerpt, pages 78-79:
"Ignatius was so caught up in his thoughts that he sat down overlooking the Cardoner and continued his reflections. God flooded his soul with extraordinary light, giving him a profound insight into and a feeling for the mysteries of the faith. He now understood these truths with such a clarity that even though he had reflected on them in the past they were as totally new to him. He now perceived everything in its proper relationship to God."

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

What is eyes of understanding opening...what is our Cardoner Vision?

July 15, 2022, journal entry, during morning prayer

Matthew 12:1-8
"I tell you, something greater than the temple is here."
"For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."

Lord Jesus, you are my Lord, my rest, my Sabbath.
You are my Lord, my Sabbath.

In all of this, trust me my child. I will never forsake or abandon you. You too are my rest. For the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. The children of the Kingdom do not yet understand this. Here I am in the Heavenlies, and my Mother is my Comfort, in her humanity. I have need of Mankind for it is for you that I came. Fully human, fully divine, I am complete for I have the Father and the Holy Spirit with me, in me, above me, behind me, below me. Yet, I have need of humankind. This is what this means, and continues to mean.  In me, mankind is complete.  You too in me, have a place to rest, for I am in you and you are in me. Yet I have need of all humankind.
    The Son of Man has no where to lay his head.
    In my humanity, I have need of all of humankind. For it is for this reason I came, to redeem man and to bring him into communion with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Come my child, share in the joy that heaven has for you, I in you and you in me. You will be my rest, a place to lay my head and to reign, and I will be your rest, a place to lay your head and to reign also in my heart, for my heart too has need of you. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Whatever you ask in my name, and according to my will, it will be done for you, for you are mine and I am yours. We are one.
Thank you Lord for this sweet understanding of your love and need of me, lowly creature that I am. I console you as you console me.

This gives me a new understanding of the words about the joy in heaven when one sinner converts. Thank you Lord.
How great is your love, this even brings new understanding to my heart.
And that we add to what is lacking in the Cross.
All of humanity needs to be at the Cross, worthy or unworthy as we all are, to console your humanity for what you suffered for us on the Cross.

Thank you Lord God, Jesus my Love and my Heart.

Help me not to add to your sorrow, but to be there with you.

Jesus, in his Divinity is complete with the Father and the Holy Spirit, for there is Completeness in the Trinity of God.

Jesus in his humanity is in need of all of humanity, as the Mother of God shows us in her presence in heaven, interceding continually for us. Jesus in his humanity in the Heavenly places is in need of humanity, a place to lay his head, in my heart, and in the heart of all of humanity. As Mary comes into the throne room of heaven in her full humanity, she is a consolation and a delight for Jesus. She has danced as Wisdom before him for all of humanity.  Let my heart be emptied of all material things that Jesus the King of Glory may enter in, and find a place to rest his head.
Thank you Lord.  So hard to put in writing what you are bringing to my heart.

As I have need of you, so too you have need of me.

"The Son of Man has no place to rest his head."

In our humanity, thanks to Jesus, we enter into the heavenlies, and Jesus in the heavenlies and in his humanity has a place to lay his head. And that place is our heart.

As you are in need of me, so also I am in need of you.

Two great revelations related to each other:
Jesus, in the heavenlies, now in his resurrected divinity and humanity, has need of humankind to rest his head upon our hearts.
"The Son of Man has no place to rest his head.'
Mary now, coming into his presence, in her full humanity, has consoled him from eternity, dancing before God as Wisdom...
Jesus has need of humanity, us, to come before him in prayer into the heavenlies, to console him in his humanity.

As we receive the Eucharist, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ; we also receive the body and blood of Mary from whom Jesus took his flesh.
And she fully becomes our Mother.
We remember this each time we partake of the Eucharist.

We too now, in the Fullness of Christ bring consolation to Jesus in his full humanity in heaven, when we entrust our lives to him, and pray; ask and you shall receive...


Hard to put in my own words.
This revelation and the first bring great consolation to my heart as I consider them.
Thank you Lord God. Amen.

"Come to me all you that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and gentle of heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

"I tell you, something greater than the temple is here. But if you had known what this means, 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the guiltless. For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath."
Matthew 12:1-8

"The Son of Man has no place to lay his head."

Book: A Pilgrim's Journey, The Autobiography of Ignatius of Loyola
Joseph N. Tylenda, S.J. Ignatius Press
Manresa: Taught by God; 30. Fifth, pages 78-79
excerpt, pages 78-79:
"3. Fifth (Grace)  Ignatius was once on his way, out of devotion, to a church a little more than a mile from Manresa...  The road followed the path of the river, and he was taken up with his devotions; he sat down for a while facing the Cardoner River flowing far below him. As he sat there the eyes of his understanding were opened, and though he saw no vision, he understood and perceived many things...He cannot expound in detail what he then understood...but he can state that he received such a lucidity in understanding that during the course of his entire life - now having passed his sixty-second year - if he were to gather all the helps he received from God and everything he knew, and add them together, he does not think they would add up to all that he received on that one occasion."