Chaplet of Saint Ignatius

Chaplet of Saint Ignatius
If you knew the treasure of God, in sitting in silence with His Word, you would never speak again...received in prayer on January 25, 2012

Friday 22 July 2022

What is illumination in our own lives...what is our Cardoner Vision?

 July 17, 2022

Journal entry

Remember when receiving the Eucharist
As you partake of the Body and Blood
of Christ
You too become Mary's child
From whom Jesus drew
his humanity when
enfolded in her body and blood
in the womb;
You too now partaking
of her body and blood
in the Full Presence of Christ
his Body and Blood now too
in full divinity and
in full humanity
Through the Fiat of your own Mother Mary.

On the morning this came to me, I woke with two songs in my heart, sung often during my evening Rosary Prayer Group, one English, the other French...
Couronnée d'Étoiles (Crowned with Stars), and,  Be With Us Mary
...and these songs stayed with me as I prepared for my day.
I came to my prayer time and sang...
And then these words started coming to my heart from the Lord, and I wrote them down.
Thank you, Lord.

Two great revelations related to each other:
Jesus, in the heavenlies, now in his resurrected divinity and humanity, has need of humankind to rest his head upon our hearts.
"The Son of Man has no place to rest his head.'
Mary now, coming into his Presence, in her full humanity, has consoled him from eternity, dancing before God as Wisdom...
Jesus has need of humanity, us, to come before him in prayer into the heavenlies, to console him in his humanity.

As we receive the Eucharist, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ; we also receive the body and blood of Mary from whom Jesus took his flesh.
And she fully becomes our Mother.
We remember this each time we partake of the Eucharist.

We too now, in the Fullness of Christ bring consolation to Jesus in his full humanity in heaven, when we entrust our lives to him, and pray; ask and you shall receive...


Hard to put in my own words.
This revelation and the first bring great consolation to my heart as I consider them.
Thank you Lord God. Amen.

Book: A Pilgrim's Journey, The Autobiography of Ignatius of Loyola
Joseph N. Tylenda, S.J. Ignatius Press
Manresa: Taught by God, pages 78-79, first subscript
excerpt, pages 78-79:
"Ignatius was so caught up in his thoughts that he sat down overlooking the Cardoner and continued his reflections. God flooded his soul with extraordinary light, giving him a profound insight into and a feeling for the mysteries of the faith. He now understood these truths with such a clarity that even though he had reflected on them in the past they were as totally new to him. He now perceived everything in its proper relationship to God."

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